Covid19 Protocols


Global measures for your safety

Now that we can start to dream, explore and smile again, it is more important than ever for us to be able to do so safely with peace of mind. At DENTAGLOBAL Dental Clinic we want you to be safe and have piece of mind while having your dream smile and having unforgettable experiences at our facility. So we have created Feel Safe at DENTAGLOBAL.

We have implemented a series of measures, approved by safety experts, in our facility. Implementation of some of these measures may alter the availability of some services. This is to ensure that our patients & guests, employees and suppliers can continue to without any worries.

1. Enhanced Health inspection Rules

Our Facility cleaning and desterilization of areas, equipments processes have been adapted to current needs, and are inspected, tested and confirmed by our Medical Team + Body Temperature Measurement during entrance to all staff , medical team, patients and guests.

2. Advanced digital services

To minimize interaction and direct contact with surfaces at our facilty, we offer various technical and digital solutions to all our guests:

  • Digital Guest Relations service for immediate communication with our staff and Medical Team
  • Online Virtual Consultation
  • Paperless Registration

3. Upgraded cleaning & sanitizing protocols

DENTAGLOBAL follows cleaning protocols based on Turkish Ministry of Health Advisory

  • Clinic Room sanitizing – we use technology and highly effective cleaning products on all surfaces, objects and decorative items, and clinically proven protocols for laundering textiles.
  • Equipment – using cleaning products and practices in line Hospital for new Covid-19 Protocols
  • Surface cleaning in common areas – the reception, entrance , corridors, restrooms, other common areas are sanitized according to the Covid-19 Protoclos




4. Social distancing rules

Our Facility is following all protocols to enable the social distance required when interacting with others.

  • Safety signage – we have created special signage in all common areas to remind everyone of the need to maintain a safe distance.
  • Redesign of common areas – furniture has been moved, in line with new legislation, to help patients & guests maintain social distance.
  • Support from staff – to help patients & guests apply these measures in all areas.



5. Personal protection equipment & protocols

We offer safety equipment to all our guests, staff and suppliers during their stay.

  • Safety and sanitizing equipment for guests – access to sanitizing gel, masks and gloves during their stay.
  • Employee protection – all DENTAGLOBAL employees have access to the equipment needed to do their work with maximum health guarantees.
  • Equipment required for suppliers – all suppliers accessing the facility must follow the required safety measures.




6. Air Conditioner Cleaning Quality protocols

In all facility we are following the strictest purification and sanitizing standards for ventilation and air-conditioning systems

  • Air quality – we are increasing the frequency of inspections for ventilation systems and decontamination protocols.

7. Sanitised Transportation Service

We provide your Airport Welcoming and all Transportation Services with recommendations based on safety measures from sanitising inside of vehicle to wearing masks at all times during the journey.

8. Health & Safety protocols for Employees & Medical Team

For added safety, all our staff must meet the health requirements for working.

  • Daily screening – All Staff & Medical Team will undergo screening before and after their shifts.
  • Early detection protocols – and action plans in case of guest health concerns, with the option of isolation, protective equipment, contact with Covid-19 Specialised medical services and transportation logistics.
  • Special staff training – on following safety protocols and practices tailored to health regulations.